BJWC Safety Town is a two-week educational summer program for children sponsored by the Barrington Junior Women’s Club. Safety Town participants learn important safety lessons through hands-on activities and demonstrations. The BJWC Safety Town permanent site, located at The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in Barrington (1301 S. Grove Ave.), was built in 1997 through community support and is an integral part of the program. This miniature town gives the children experience practicing their newly learned safety skills while riding bikes and acting as pedestrians. Speakers, movies, songs, poems and art projects that support safety lessons are completed in a classroom setting. A field trip to the Barrington Public Safety Building is also included in this program. The BJWC Safety Town program is designed to help incoming kindergarteners and first graders enjoy and understand safety rules and lessons.
Scholarships are available based on financial need. To request a scholarship, please e-mail prior to registering your camper.